Event date

DAY 1 - Monday, November 25, 2024; DAY 2 - Friday, January 31, 2025


DAY 1 - Concordia University Conference Centre, 9th Floor, John Molson Building (MB), 1450 Guy St., Montreal, QC, H3G 1M8; DAY 2 - To be determined
Supporting Skills for Success in Quebec’s English-language Post-Secondary Education Sector

Join us for our second annual Skills Symposium!

Who should participate?

The Skills Symposium is designed to center the work being done by and for (“par et pour”) Consortium member institutions. We are looking for submissions from faculty and course instructors, staff, and students from Consortium member institutions: Bishop’s University, Champlain Regional College, Concordia University, Dawson College, Heritage College, John Abbott College, Marianopolis College, McGill University and Vanier College.

The event brings together individuals working in, with, and in support of, Quebec’s English-language CEGEPs, colleges and universities whose work focuses on:

  • Experiential and/or work integrated learning
  • Internship and mentorship coordination
  • Career planning and transition services
  • Future skills development
  • Integrating skills development into curriculum and classroom work
  • French second language learning

What has changed from last year’s Symposium?

Thanks to the success of last year’s Skills Symposium, we have expanded our programming for 2024-2025 and will run the event over two days. DAY 1 will be dedicated to presentations and action planning. DAY 2 will focus on continuing action planning, consolidating partnerships and the development of projects that can be submitted for funding.

Call for Submissions

Share your Skills for Success initiatives! We are inviting each Consortium member institution to submit skills development initiatives that speak to one or more of the following six themes:

  1. French-second-language learning/French language training for the workforce in Quebec
  2. Innovative collaborations that are: cross-sectoral; inter-institutional; and/or inter-regional
  3. Career readiness and Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
  4. Impactful mentorship
  5. Curricular integration and innovation 
  6. Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI)

What are we looking for?

  • Future-facing initiatives that could be scaled up/replicated across one or more of the institutions in the Consortium network.
  • Examples of, and opportunities for, innovative partnerships between Consortium member institutions with business and industry, government, public sector institutions and not-for-profit community organizations.

Submissions will be compiled into a second edition of the Skills for Success booklet for 2024-2025, which will be distributed to all participants.

For each submission, you will be asked to share the following:

  • Your institution
  • Contact information
  • Name of your Skills for Success initiative
  • 100-200 word abstract or description of the initiative
  • Corresponding theme(s), selected from the six above
  • Target audience
  • Associated partners, if applicable
  • Potential of initiative to be scaled/replicated through the Consortium’s network
  • Web/social media links, if available

Submissions will be selected to be delivered as a Lightning Talk at the Symposium.

What are Lightning Talks?

Lightning Talks are short, thought-provoking presentations designed to spark conversations, foster collaboration, and share insight and impact of a given initiative in a focused manner.

Format for Lightning Talks

  • Five (5) minute presentation
  • One (1) PowerPoint slide may be used (optional)

Ready to submit your Skills for Success initiative? CLICK HERE.

Deadline to submit is November 1, 2024

Organized collaboratively by the Consortium of English-language CEGEPs, Colleges and Universities of Quebec, and Concordia University’s Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovation in Teaching and Learning, this event is part of the Consortium’s broader Skills for Success in Quebec’s English-language Post-Secondary Education Sector project.

This event is supported by the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise.


Recent Events

DAY 1 - Monday, November 25, 2024; DAY 2 - Friday, January 31, 2025


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